For the Segura Group, sustainability is understood as permanence over time, and in order to get it, it is necessary to respond to the expectations that society and the people around us have of us. That’s why we pursue economic, environmental and social objectives equally.
10 Km solidarity running race in Ford’s supplier Industrial Park .

Last Sunday March 5th, took place in the Juan Carlos I Industrial Park the III Edition of the running race “Breathe out for Pulmonary Hypertension and Stxbp1 Syndrome”, a race organized by Ford Almussafes, Appi (Association of Parks and polygons of Almussafes) and the City council of Almussafes.
Almussafes wrote a new page in his gold sporting book, bringing together more than 2,000 people in favor of two solidarity causes, great success of participation with hundreds of people enjoying a morning of sport and solidarity in the Industrial Park Juan Carlos I and Ford facilities in Almussafes. The 10kFord-Appi race called “Decades Together” has collected through this third edition the amount of € 12,198 which will be allocated to two National Associations of these two rare diseases with the purpose of promoting the research of these, besides offering support to relatives and patients.
In order to promote the participation of our employees in this type of sporting and solidarity events, the company assumed the costs of the registration fee and a technical commemorative t-shirt to the participants.
Thanks to all for participating and the next year we will propose to increase the number of participants in this good cause!
Diversity initiatives at Grupo Segura

During the last months sponsored by Grupo Segura Management, and within the Program of Diversity and inclusion, the company has participaed in different forums about the importance to the Grupo Segura of its Hungarian plant in Szolnok, and also as this plant has been the first impulse to the Group’s internationalization strategy.
The Szolnok’s facility started its activities in 2008, and has allowed us to grow and form our teams in this new reality. All these experiences accumulated over the years help us and serve as a stimulus to the Group’s determination to be a Global company.
Once again, this confirms the consistency of our values, as a company that bets on diversity, inclusion and continuous entrepreneurship in its actions.
The name of the Grupo Segura is not only synonymous with the excellence and quality in Spain, but now also in Hungary, and we bet that in the future this will take our good name beyond the European Continent through our future and firm projects of globalization.
Erasmus+ Visit
A few days ago we received a visit from students participating in the European project Erasmus+, Power up! Get active for your future, the main objective of which is to strengthen the European scope of the students, promoting mobility and cooperation between educational centres.
Educational centres from five different European countries participate in this project: Germany, France, Greece, Romania and Spain.
One of the project’s objectives is to promote the employability and comprehensive training of the students, therefore one of the activities programmed in each country is a visit to a company without the area of influence of the centre where the meeting is held.
First they received a brief explanation on the company and our productive process and after they took a tour of our facilities. At all times they showed great interest and great curiosity in what we do. Both professors and students have positively assessed this visit. This activity offers visibility both to our company and to our daily work.
Talent at Work promotes the employability of more than 200 young people at the European University of Valencia.

Grupo Segura has participated in the Talent at Work conference held on 13 February and organized by the European University of Valencia and ManpowerGroup, with the aim of improving employability, enhancing talent and fostering the development of skills and professional skills of young people in an increasingly competitive and changing work environment. More than 200 university students have participated in this seminar, where they have been advised and have heard recommendations from our HR’s colleague Pablo Fernández, regarding the skills and competences most demanded by companies today, facilitating in addition the dialogue between human resources managers, organizations and students.

Last December 5, the board of Directors of Grupo Segura visited the facilities of the Espurna Foundation in Gandia, where they have been able to meet personally the activities that are carried out in the Foundation (
Later, they went to the Restaurant Boga (, where they could enjoy the house specialty, Fideuá, and were treated in an exceptional way by the restaurant’s staff.
Boga, located on the beach of Gandía, is an example of inclusion and diversity of work, where people with disabilities work as cooks or room staff, led by a chef or a Restaurante manager, assuming the same responsibilities as any professional of hostelry.
Then the management team visited the workshops of the occupational center, where they learned by firsthand the activities the people do there, such as trencadis, and also the store where many of the work they do daily.
Grupo Segura has been counting for many years with the services of this foundation through its Special Employment Center, where the guys show us daily that they do not have barriers and they spread us with their illusion and joyness day after day.
The illusion that surround their faces, tells us that it was a success to start the relationship with this Foundation almost 7 years ago, we hope that this commitment of the Grupo Segura for diversity and integration, will last for many years and the people of Espurna continue giving us lessons of life.
SUMA + Campaign
In our Policy we have certain value including social collaboration with our community. This is what we have tried to do in creating the SUMA + Campaign based on collecting food delivered by the workers and for each person who contributed, the company added a pack of non-perishable products.
This way we collected 365 kg which will go to the Municipal Resources Bank of Almussafes.
Today a delivery was made to the Local Council of Almussafes of these products in a symbolic event presided over by the Mayor, Mr. Albert Girona and the president of the Solidarity Table of this Local Council, who after explaining the solidarity actions they carry out, gave us a diploma in acknowledgement.
More information: Municipal Organisation | Almussafes
Thanks for JOINING!

On December 7, 2016, Grupo Segura, in collaboration with the NGO International Cooperation, participated in a solidarity and social integration initiative called “A Smile for Christmas”.
This initiative consisted of ‘giving a smile’ to a group of children from the Cabañal neighborhood in Valencia, who live on the threshold of poverty, simply by buying them a gift, and in which the Management and the employees of the Company participated anonymously placing next to the Christmas tree more than 220 gifts.
A representation of the company headed by its President Francisco Segura Hervás, his wife Sofía Mora Soriano, and the General Manager of the Grupo Segura, Jorge Segura Hervás attended the ceremony of delivery of gifts and visit to the school facilities, the past 22nd of December.
There we were able to verify the magnificent work that both teachers and members of the school Santiago Apóstol ( are doing daily with the students and with the neighbors of the neighborhood of Cabañal, since the majority of the students live in situation of Social exclusion and belongs, for the most part, to a minority culture within society, such as the gypsy people, that are in serious marginalization.
With this type of initiatives of social responsibility, cooperation and integration, we want to continue to promote our values of improvement, entrepreneurship, willingness, union, respect and adaptability, which we try to spread at Grupo Segura and our employees day by day.
Thanks for participating and for giving a smile for Christmas.
Blood Donation

Early in the morning the bus (auto-bank) arrived and started the donations that lasted until after 14:00.
This time 27 people participated, of which 2 were new.
The habitual donors have been encouraging their colleagues to donate for the first time, explaining how easy it was. As the campaign of the Transfusion Centre of the Valencian Community says, there is a hero inside of all of us.
Blood donation is a small gesture that we can do to help other people and which at any time we might need. This solidary day promoted by the company is part of our Social Commitment, encompassed in our Quality Policy.
More information at: