More Brain and less brick
This statement summarizes and condenses the philosophy of the new investment program of Grupo Segura in Hungary and this is no longer about build more buildings but it is focusing on cutting-edge technology and State of The Art machinery.
After the brilliant ceremony held in the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1st of march will be from now named as the Kumo day.
KUMO – Cloud in Japanese – is an integration of intelligent tools and applications through Cloud technology, in this aspect we are being pioneers in addressing the digitizing of the Group.
“We are fully entering into the fourth industrial revolution and this will bring many changes in our environment, both in the traditional management models and in the manufacturing habits. It will also generate big changes in consumer habits, affecting the industry accordingly. It will not give reaction time to those companies that do not transform immediately, and will offer a competitive advantage to those that do it properly. We must, as soon as possible, recognize that we are facing the most important change of the modern era, and understand that the digital strategy that we define will be the key factor for the success of Grupo Segura.
The digitization of the industry will have a greater impact on labor-intensive economies, producing very important improvements in the industrial environment in very short periods of time, helping to recover the lost competitiveness in costs.
Industrial enterprises will need to incorporate a new talent, digital and human talent. This new talent seeks modern work environments characterized by dynamism, agility, initiative, autonomy or flexibility. Its incorporation, therefore, supposes a great effort of change in the traditional organizational model of the vast majority of industrial companies. Technological institutes, universities and training schools are going to be key for the development of Hungary and its enterprises.”
These reflections were the guiding thread of the speech given by Francisco Segura, president of Grupo Segura in the event of the official communication of this new technological investment, that, on the other hand, have led Grupo Segura to consider as essential, the signing of specific collaboration agreements with Hungarian institutes such as: IPAR 4.0, SZTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, EPIC InnoLabs, Universities and other Hungarian organizations with which we are already working on specific projects.
From here, we would like to thank to all the members of Grupo Segura for believing in Kumo as a tool for change, and to thank particularly to the Hungarian Government and HIPA for the treatment received during the process prior to the decision making, key factors for Kumo to speak Hungarian today.